Tobin Hart

Tobin is a father, university professor, author, psychologist, and consultant. He is co-founder and chair of the Board of Directors of ChildSpirit Institute, a nonprofit educational and research hub dedicated to understanding and nurturing the spiritual world of children. He currently serves as Professor of psychology at the State University of West Georgia. His teaching and research centers on the activity of knowing and examines consciousness, spirituality, psychotherapy, and education. He has served as a director of a school for gifted adolescents, a director of counseling, an academic dean, clinical supervisor, a therapist for families, adults, and children, and as a consultant for a variety of organizations. His two latest books are “The Secret Spiritual World of Children” and “From Information to Transformation: Education for the Evolution of Consciousness.”

Tobin says: “Two dimensions of spiritual knowing stand out to me from my childhood. Beginning about five years old I remember wondering what this life was all about, wondering who I really was, and asking why these adults around me seemed to be missing what seemed to be important and behaving in ways that seemed so often harmful. Unfortunately, I learned that such questions were not often taken seriously by the adults I encountered so I kept them submerged until many years later. In addition to these radical questions, I also remember being both overjoyed and sometimes overwhelmed by moments in which I was apparently feeling into others-what I have come to call Deep Empathy. As a child I would sometimes experience directly how interconnected we really are to one another and to the universe. For the past twenty five years I have tried to understand and integrate these experiences toward a practical spirituality, and toward an education and psychology of consciousness. The grace of my own children and listening to the soulful stories of hundreds of others has helped me to remember the richness of the human spirit.”